MATE presents two special awards every year. Celebrate inspiration and excellence in Manitoba classrooms by nominating an outstanding ELA teacher for the Kel Brooker and Sheldon Oberman Awards. The MATE Executive will be responsible for reviewing nominations and selecting recipients.

Kel Brooker Award of Excellence

The former MATE Award was renamed to honour our colleague Kel Brooker who passed away in January, 2006. Kel was a leader in instruction and assessment of English Language Arts and a tireless advocate for MATE.

This award is presented annually at the SAGE Conference to acknowledge and celebrate excellent practice in English Language Arts. The nominee must be a MATE member and an English teacher in Manitoba at any K-12 level. The recipient will receive a keepsake plaque; the nominator of the award will receive a $50 gift card to McNally Robinson.

Sheldon Oberman Award

Sheldon Oberman was a Winnipeg teacher, author, and storyteller who passed away in 2004. In his memory, and to encourage the teaching of creative writing to students in Manitoba schools, The Manitoba Association of Teachers of English presents an award annually to a pre-service Education student with a teaching area in English or Theatre who is also a talented creative writer. The student must be enrolled in a program in the faculty of education at a post-secondary institution in Manitoba. The recipient is presented with a prize of $250.00 at the MATE conference on the MTS Professional Development Day in October.


Prospective recipients for the Kel Brooker Award must be nominated by an ELA teacher or teaching colleague who completes the nomination form below.


7 + 3 =

NOTE: Completed Nomination Form must be followed up by a résumé of the nominee that includes professional experience, service to the profession, ELA teaching assignments/unique achievements; and any supporting material to aid the nomination. Please send to Elizabeth Bourbonniere


Education students who wish to be considered for this award should complete the nomination form below along with a portfolio of their creative writing. Deadline is June 30.

3 + 4 =

NOTE: Completed Application Form must be followed up by a portfolio of student’s work. Please send to Elizabeth Bourbonniere