Describe your M.T.S. Professional Development Day Workshop

Share your experience

What Strategies, insights, and special lessons or workshops could you share to develop indeginuos perspectives in Manitoba classrooms?


Please contact Pamela Lockman at


Please fill out the form below by Friday, May 29, 2020

Presenters receive

  • $50.00 gift card for McNally Robinson
  • Free entry to other seassions at our MATE conference
  • Parking space in the school lot
  • Lunch provided in the speakers’ Lounge
  • Letter of appreciation to your Dean, Superintendent, or Principal
  • Our obsequious admiration


*Projectors will be available for use by presenters. All presenters using a laptop need to bring their own power cords and any connectors required for a projector. We suggest all presenters bring a jump-drive to back up their presentation. Audio-visual/technology MUST be identified in advance. So, itemize audio-visual request below

Category (click all that apply)

Preferred length session

7 + 15 =